Cloud Nine

Let’s go to cloud nine together.

I’ll get the ladder; you’ll get the wine and cheese.

With parachutes on our backs, we’ll climb as we please.


On our way up, we’ll hear Whitacre’s chorales.

The harmonies will make us climb up more.

We’ll wonder why we hadn’t thought about this before.


Once we arrive, our legs won’t be tired from climbing.

In fact, they’ll be weightless and light.

And our faces, they’ll be euphorically bright.


 The clouds will be wispy cushions,

Visible, but intangible; Fluffy, yet with flakes.

We’ll play with them, like silly putty; see what shapes we can make.


Down below people will see what we created.

The puppy we tried to shape will look like a giraffe.

As we hear lovers decoding our images, we’ll laugh.

(Wouldn’t want to be them!)


Let’s set up our picnic area.

We’ll drink until we’re laughing, eat cheese until we sleep.

Together, we’ll have dreams we’ll want to keep.


Soon you’ll be dreaming for days,

And then I’ll wake you with a kiss.

Once you open your eyes, you’ll know you’re still in bliss.


Let’s stay up here forever.

We’ll throw away our parachutes and watch them fall.

We’ll be too high to want to come down at all.


Time will feel useless up here.

We’ll feel immortal and free.

We’ll hear clouds whispers and indulge in their serenity.


They say “Stay here.




Years, it’s been now.

How has it been down there?


Let’s take a peek at our Earth.

We see plenty of green.

We see many flowers we hadn’t seen.

They smell beautiful.


We see females in white gowns and men in tuxes,

And wonder why there is no “I Do” here,

Why there aren’t any wedding chapels near.

They must be beautiful.


We see death among family and lovers.

The agony is what we were evading,

But we realize that our time up here is now fading.


We regret looking down at the Earth now,

Because we know we’ll need to descend.

We don’t want to believe this cloud life will end.


But the patches of green grass are calling us.


The Earth is beautiful and so are we.

There’s a wedding chapel waiting for you and one for me.

The same one? No, it will not be.


Let’s jump down together already.

We already threw away our parachutes and kicked down the ladder,

But I know it won’t matter.

We’ll live.


We’ll live on Earth Nine one day, as we just did.

Separate and apart, we’ll live.

With love and bliss and pain, we’ll live.


Let’s talk about our weddings.

I’ll be your best man, though I’m a woman.

You’ll be my bridesmaid because you love dresses…

It’ll be beautiful.


Let’s go to Cloud Nine together.

I’ll get my diaries. You’ll get your wife’s hover car keys.

With fifty stories on our backs, we’ll talk as we please.

Wouldn’t have it any other way.





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