The Closet
The closet was deep, but not wide.
There was a box,
It was full, and so was I.
I couldn't stay,
I had to come out,
It was just too hard to hold in.
Who would understand that I was different, but not gay?
I wasn't in any box many people had
There was going to be a new box,
Just for me.
I didn't like it
That box would never be my home,
And that closet wasn't big enough for me,
The living room may not have been welcoming,
But it was the only place to be.
The living room should be welcome,
But the closet is more
Leaving that closet was hard,
But I couldn't bear it any more.
That box in the closet would never be my home,
There wasn't enough room for me,
The living room may not have been welcoming,
But it was the only place for me to be.
I've had it lucky,
Most people don't care
Or they join me too.
In the closet with many,
And out with a few.
That closet isn't our home,
The living room is.
It's not that welcoming,
But it's where we need to be
We love ourselves and others too.
We're defensive of our love and our life,
Otherwise we couldn't survive
Being straight isn't our destiny,
And neither is the closet,
Too deep and full for anybody.