“Gay people belong in the closet”
He says with a gaudy grin,
I stare down at my socked toes
My jaw clenches
My fist ball in my denim pockets
And my eyes water
I’m petrified, frozen
They didn’t know and they couldn’t,
Then I’m just proving his point,
I thought it best if they didn’t see.
Now sit for a minute and listen,
Every time my mother says “you’ll find the right man”
I feel that my silence is a lie,
When the talk pauses, I feel the pressure to speak,
Then there’s shame
Not for who I am, even though I had that too,
But for who I can’t let myself be.
Everyday I put on the same damn face
The innocent, softness that is straight woman
But that’s not me
Power, mystery, hope, kindness, wit, among other things
But instead I hid myself behind a mask of femininity
Look down into my eyes and tell me
Did you cry yourself to sleep every other night for six fucking years?
I dated my best friend for three
He thought I was crying for missing him
But in actuality it was for the love I couldn’t give him
All because I thought that maybe just maybe
I could change
Like if I were with him I could make myself the same
Like if I could love him the stones that people through labeled
Fag, dyke, gay, freak
Which were meant to shatter me
Would bounce off, not land in the debris behind my cracked mask.
But I never found that way
In the end I wasn’t the only broken one
All this pain because I thought I was sick
People told me it’s wrong, disgusting, a sin, unnatural, just a choice
I tried to make your choice
But I can’t
I have found my voice
I don’t belong in the closet
No one belongs in the closet
I’ve faced too much pain to let this go
I won’t sit behind your wall made from white-washed plaster
Nailed to proud wooden crosses like it’s your messiah,
Like those walls can vanquish the sin you see in me.
I don’t need your moral supremacy,
So, to the man who said gay belongs in the closet
Fuck you