Clinging Onto Happiness
Days, Months, and Years flow by like the seconds in a minute.
Each day I live, I reflect on myself, and my actions
Labeled appropriate, but my conscious isn't very sure.
Outbursts, and pathetic accusations make me quiver inside.
Goosebumps trailing over my body as I think of who I am,
and what have I ever done to gain anyones friendship.
My will for death is as easy as the american apple pie.
I long for such an ending that will sweep the very mortals off their feet.
Refusing to believe that I have a longing to be unique,
but realising I'm as average as anyone else
or even less. It will set me spiraling down... down what exactly?
Down this figurative hole that creationist have described to hold their feelings,
but realist seem to believe that their delusional.
Fighting for the things I wish was right.
To help the very humans that I despise around me.
Do I do it because I care? Invalid.
I don't care about anyone in this rotting world.
I bare with the people around me to keep myself sane.
Meeting those as imperfect as I overwhelm me with happiness.
It's so rare to meet someone who doesn't look down at you,
but look directly into your eyes. Not as a human, or another lost puppy.
But someone with a struggling beating heart trying to make this worthless world work.
Their stares make me feel valued.
It makes me want to deal with the laughing voices around me just a bit longer
just so i can have another great day before it all ends.