Clay Brawner (Stlyed After Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters)


United States
38° 50' 1.554" N, 85° 22' 32.25" W

A great tree starts at its roots,
And I was a great tree.
From small roots of Canaan I grew.
With dreams of something greater,
I pushed to the sky and had no knowledge of limits.
Dreams of succeeding, change, and purpose.
With great determination I built my tree,
Every leaf a drop of blood,
And every branch a relic of sacrifice.
Every day my pursuits evolved and grew as I did.
I travelled to places I never knew existed.
Experienced things that I never thought possible.
I married and our happiness blossomed,
Bringing new life into this world.
I was truly happy and content to my fullest.
Every day I grew more humble and wise.
My branches spread wide and cast shade,
And the leaves were healthy and prosperous.
But as the years fell like leaves in autumn,
The green became brown, orange , and gold.
The leaves departed and so did I.
I lived my life as a tree should.
Simple, yet refined.


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