Of a Civil Injustice
Ms. Claudette Colvin,
As a targeted, yet resilient, black teenager,
They didn’t take you seriously:
Your actions were done impulsively
Not a proper symbol of a savior
Your act on the bus was vehement
Yet the police officers were not in agreement
You were entitled to your spot
So, you justly fought
You deserved more
Than what your community had in store
You suffered socially
When you were only trying to act righteously
You were forced out of college
Because you were the first to acknowledge
A civil injustice
You suffered economically
When you were only trying to act thoughtfully
You were unable to maintain a payroll
Because you were the first to take control
Of a civil injustice
I have one question
Forgive me if I have the wrong impression
Your answer will guide me
As I try to be
An effective leader in a social movement
For my community’s improvement
Your suffering has not gone unnoticed
I respect your actions and focus
I only wish to understand,
Was it worth taking a stand?