The Cheering Lover

The cheering lover, she can do a lot.

School, cheer, work, and stand over a hot pot.

What is the world without a girl like she?

Without beautiful girls like her, oh we-

Might not be the same. She can make minds race.

Brown skin, long hair, and a beautiful face.

She may come off rude, but she’s very sweet.

Keeps herself cleaned up; yes, she’s very neat.

She’s outgoing, fun, and remarkable.

Always on top of her stuff and unstoppable.

She really loves her friends, as most folks do.

She’s loving. Love her, she’ll love you.

But that’s because she’s emotional though.

To the littlest things, her moods will show.

Either her brown eyes flood or white teeth shine.

She shows her feelings, either hurt or fine.

She has a lot going for her in life.

One day she’ll make a perfect young wife.

But right now it’s school; she’s self driven.

She has dreams of things that are self-given.

She’s happy, smart, and only wants the best.

The cheering lover rooting for success.


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