Matthew 5:39 New English Translation
39 But I say to you, do not resist the evildoer. But whoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well.
Today is not an exception. My mind is already cluttered
The world has a grasp on me in the middle of the night
I wanted to start fresh today, but my flesh constantly mutters
About injustice and the rest that is attacking with full might
I guess it is the money that seems to wreck my brain
Some of what I deposited early last month in the bank
I did not get credit for it and time and time again
I got notices of being overdrawn, and that got me outflanked
I’ve got a pretty good idea what possibly had happened
Someone I pitied for was in the middle of this plot
It should not make a difference, for pity should not flatter
For what one does in their despair for that is known to God
Forgive, forget, and go on. It can’t be that important
The sickness that another has also seemed in my veins
Start a new and clean the slate of others who, in that instance
That is what The Lord would do in my life with everything
Peace, Oh! Peace, now settle down. I need that one dimension
That lifts me and sets me down in the presence of my life
That gift of God, that special way that satisfies my hunger
That righteousness in flight will bring as my life loses al strife
Purple skies and dresses in black, a dying need to live
Loneliness in a crowd, silence engulfed in noise
Looking deep inside of me and search for what to give
Removing all from empty shelves to let others make a choice
Jan Wienen