16.1 hands
Charcoal grey, with midnight, loving black eyes
Her whicker understood by only me
Her heart connected to mine by an invisible string
Her feet move in perfect harmony
Her jump is flawless and careful
Together we make a perfect team
Apart we are nothing
Through the bad days she comforts me
The good days she makes better
But she is the true source of my happiness
Together we fly to heights never before reached
Without this creature, I wouldn’t know love,
Or happiness,
Or championship,
Or courage,
Because of her I’m whole,
Because of her I’m happy,
Because of her I can love,
Because of her I can trust,
There are days I doubt everything
Then I sit in that saddle,
Click my tongue to my teeth,
And a smile begins to grow on my face
A picture of her rests on my bedside table
Allowing her to be the final thing I see before I slumber
And the first thing I see as the sun wakes me each morning
It fills me with hope, love and happiness
This sport is expensive,
And often the more money you have, the more you win
But those kids know nothing of riding
They don’t understand the connection one should have to their horse
I don’t regret a moment of my riding career
There have been hard times,
Bad falls,
Scary moments
But through it all she has been my rock
And she has kept me safe
Without this beautiful girl I wouldn’t appreciate the good moments
And I wouldn’t have as many fantastic memories as I hold today
She is my heart
She is my love
But most of all
She is my best friend.
Thank you Charlotte for all you’ve given me.