Chapter One

Every morning I wake up and try to function
I realize I lost my mind in the night trying to fight off preachers accusations.
I forgot to put my skin back on when lust slipped me out of it,
I forgot to clean my eyes before I stepped outside
Now all I see is a fog of what society shows me how my life should be.
I forgot to take my voice off mute,
Now everything I say I feel doesn't come through like everyone around me is illiterate and my words are in some discombobulated made up language.
I am just a little girl lost in this cold cruel world trying to find my way home
but what is home?
No matter how many hundreds of people are around me I feel I'm the only soul floating.
I sit in class everyday hoping today will be the day that I find a place to rest atleast for a while
But my mind keeps racing 3 times the speed of light and my heart seems to slow down with each stroke of this pen.
I'm trying to bring together what the government wont let me
So please bear with me.
The black panthers fought off pigs brutality and fed children of the future
But CNG and other made up gangs shoot rob and kill the people who fought for this voice that has been chosen to instill.
But where was I when black history was being taught? 
I was in some worthless niggas head giving him my all because I can't help but to love and care for everyone who lets me.
Now every time a slick minds toungue tries to arrouse me I can't help but to speak my mind and tell them what their plan was for me.
I stand here alone with castrated purity
I am a slave chained to this body
Because my mind and my soul I feel dont belong to me.
I am a reincarnated older woman of poverty
a slave to money
Even though when I reach into my pocket I dont even have a penny.
I am a puppet with torn strings 
A run away slave from past consensual loves.
I am so confused right now that my rights are written and my wrongs are the ones that get all the publicity.
I used to be a child witih hell as my destiny
I would breathe others blood and pains as my own and create a world based off the actions of others depressions.
I used to endulge myself in sex because the only time I felt pretty or good enough is when some dude was getting pleasure off my insecurities.
Now I am a child with too much pride to even tell my birthday 
let alone open up this beautiful scarred up temple.
I used to cry because sex couldn't comfort me I had nothing left but liquor, weed, and juicy razors.
I had best friends that would drug and take advantage of me...
Now the closest thing I have is my poetry.
I saved you
and you have liberated me
Now I will stand up with my new found brothers and sisters who accept and cherish me
And together we will lead positivity through struggle
And strength through intelligence
We are all the revolution
Its time to set chained minds free.


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