You are a disgrace, some of you so cruel.
You shove opinions in faces in the name of "school".
When am I to see teaching at its finest?
When teachers start teaching and put and end to closed-mindedness.
I'm learning, but all I see are your opinions, not the evidence.
From finance, science, to learning all the presidents.
You shoot down the thoughts of students, you say that we're dumb.
When it comes to knowledge, most feel numb.
Start teaching by the books, keep your opinions out of the matter.
Let our head fill with truth and our brains get fatter.
I want to see change, a willingness to learn,
Students striving for a grade that they wish to earn.
I don't want to see a student fear to voice their thoughts
Or to be called upon with the look of a deer in headlights caught.
It's time for change, filled with great prudence
It's time for the teachers to become the students.