Black paths back on the scenic route to lynching
And burning effigies
All about “make America great again!”
As they bare arms and trail off from common sense
As they are fished with bait that reels in those who
Suffer from tainted politics and the illusion of
False truths.
Indoctrination became the new form of
As idiocracy became the new form of
Minds dense, bitter and tense, and ignorance is
The only jewels that crowns the emperor's head
Are diamonds and pearls because
Garnets and peridots aren’t seen for their value and
Elegance, but rather distinguished by color.
Soaring missiles and bombs that strike down
Camaraderies send diversity into shelters in order
To conform into concealment under the flames
Of extremism and supremacy
And wearing cloaks to shield the most vulnerable
From hypocrisy and remarks that fire like a bullet
Which pierces one’s mentality and confidence
Until it crumbles down like a glass castle.
Jihad and Assad, we’re living under a facade with
Articles and media avoiding war gods
As we applaud celebrities for announcing twins
And send out prayers to save others under
Rubble and rubbish
Yet we’ve no regards to save us from our own sins
Because we believe we are entitled to purity
And morality.
Backwards wars and beliefs and thoughts send
History on a mission to enter a neverending loop
Which leaves citizens in a state of limbo and
Souls wounded, bound by racism and xenophobia
As they scream, “We cry for peace!”
But the royal world court refuses to cease
Fire and lower the bayonets that welcome
Hatred and terror.
The nightmare repeats until blood is shed
So it can start all over again for extra media
Coverage and monetary status.
The 21st century embraces times for love and
Change yet we refuse to take charge and lead
Ourselves away from becoming estranged from one
Change doesn’t start with a wish.
Change doesn’t start with hoping.
It starts with a dream.
It starts with an action.
And it can start from an individual as simple
As me.
From one hug to another, letting people know they are loved and cared for reminds them that the
World isn’t so immoral and vile.
Let the children be children and let them Experience the joys of their feet frolicking in the
Sand as the beach waves tickle their toes.
The American dream isn’t the dream that we all Wanted.
The system is corrupt and the people are afraid.
The time needs to move forward and pluck the riddance of racism from the world.
Introduce the people to reshaping communities
Into families.
Live free, for I plea for citizens to breathe and let go of past mistakes to end the cycle of continuity
Because I guarantee the bad is only temporary and never should a fellow brother or sister feel unamerican.