Center of Gravity
I am authenticity.
I am coffee at three in the morning because I cannot sleep and the dog is snoring.
I am white out because I write in pen but cannot stand a line that doesn't belong.
I am “ put on some makeup” because in my family, appearance matters the most.
I am “ you have to learn how to balance work, school, and your social life”, but not really getting the social life part because school and money are 'more important'
I am plain brown hair, average height, and a slightly droopy eye,
I am a clean freak
I am a clean freak
I am a clean freak
Everything has its place.
I am controlling because my life is mine and I choose whether I am to be successful or not.
I am calm and collected, knowing when to speak and when to keep my mouth shut
I am 18, but am told that I am much more mature than people of my age.
I am responsibility because I cant disgrace the family name, nor disappoint my mother.
I am taking care of everyone, because after seeing my sister in the hospital, I vowed to help everything and anyone who needed it.
I am 5’6 and a half, but I tell people 5’7 because it’s easier and I wouldn't’t mind being a little taller.
I am a rainy day; book in hand, tea in another, wishing I could be as f r e e as the water droplets sliding down my window.
I am study, study, study,
Because that is the key to good grades and good grades will get me into college and college will get me away from here and away from here is where I want to be,
But what if I look back and I am not where I wanted to be, but found out that where I ended is where I was meant to be this whole time?
(I am 'second guessing myself repeatedly because making the wrong decision is looked down upon)
Truth be told, I do not know who I am yet,
All I know is what I want to be.
I want to be successful, loving, and caring
I want people to be able to come to me when they need to talk,
I want to be the shoulder people lean on,
I want to be the person that is there, to make up for the person that was not
I am ‘be nice to people, because you don’t know what they are really going through,’
I am thick skin, because not everyone means what they say.
I am glass half full,
Because there is already enough negativity and I don’t need to add to it.
I am calmness, patience, and love,
Because that’s what we really need more of.
I am authenticity,
because although i do care what people think,
I am the only 'me' and that will be enough.