Caustic Deep Puncture Wound
The wound seeps and drains its fluids
Around the feverish swollen area of the
Initial attack. Pea sized shapes of plasma
Drip down to the calloused elbow sliding
Along like rain on a pane of glass. In its
Company a stinging sensation arouses
The victim once again to the skin burning
Off the affected area. The frigid wind can
Be felt on the blood bright skin setting off areas
Of higher and lower sensation. As the
Dead skin is abraded excessive heat is felt
Along with the stinging sensation robbing
The body of its last endorphin.
As the hydrogen peroxide is poured over
The area it sizzles and bubbles up over
The deep puncture wound releasing a
Noxious odor into the air. The iodine is
Now applied which feels like the caustic effect of
Pouring a 10 percent hydrochloric acid
Solution after you skin has been set on fire.
After several pangs of acute shock to the area
The patient is bandaged up and released home.