Cause She...
Cause she didn't look, talk or act a certain way, she didn't fit in
Cause she didn't fit in, she was made fun of
Cause she was made fun of, people laughed
Cause poeple laughed, she became a target
Cause she became a target, she was bullied
Cause she was bullied, her friends were ashamed
Cause her friends were ashamed, she felt alone and helpless
Cause she felt alone and helpless, she thought it was the end
Cause she thought it was the end, she ended it
No more not fitting in, no more being made fun of, no more being laughed at, no more being the target, no more being bullied, no more being ashamed of, no more feeling alone and helpless, no more thinking it was the end; Because it was the end, the end of her.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be the way people are bullied and pushed to a place where they feel like taking their own life is the only way out. Suicide is preventable, and bullying is stoppable.