To Catch a Moment

What if you could catch a moment?
If you could capture its very essence and just hold it?
What if time was truly relative, and our thens could be our nows,
Our tomorrows didn't have to become just part of our history,
And our nows didn't have to become  simple memories?
What if you could wrangle time,
Not to change or rearrange it,
Just to relive it?
What if you could catch a moment?
Oh, the times that I would cherish.
Oh, the moments I want back.
Because though life is often littered with regrets,
The sweetest moments-- when you look around and realize that there is nothing you lack-- make it all worth fighting for.
In those moments,
What if you could just get time to stand still?
What if the laughter didn't stop,
And the music kept on playing,
And you kept on walking,
And the stars kept shining,
And you kept talking,
And the car kept on rolling,
And the moment didn't end?
What if you could catch a moment?
There are so many I would catch.
Toss ropes around the edges and pull them back to the present.
There are so many I missed,
So many I didn't love enough,
Because moments are the first snowflakes of winter,
Melting the moment they land on your tongue.
Moments are a mist,
Dissapating even as they form,
And holding onto them is like reigning back a tide.
But what if the rules of time could be bent?
What if you could catch a moment?
As I lay here waiting for sleep,
That thought keeps playing on repeat,
And though I long for times gone by,
I know new moments are not in short supply.
So for now, I will make each moment worth catching,
Making sure each is well spent,
And still allow myself to wishfully wonder:
What if I could catch a moment?


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