The Castle and The Sea
The wind comes screaming against wet bricks.
Water whips around at an angled speed,
An element that feels -
it is angry.
Any chance at a fair sea day is gone
Today the sea is scary, confused, and lashing out.
The isolated tower is nothing more than a victim to wicked weather’s warpath.
The moss that had crawled, fought, and inched so passionately up the aged stone was being berated by beads of water.
A singular branch from a tree is ripped from its mother,
The water claims another victim.
The element’s anger is incomparable,
it decided today is the day it expresses its true wrath.
As every other day is the same, the water laid passive.
But today it awoke, it summoned a storm, and does not hold back.
An innocent castle, alone along the shore,
surrounded by a small family of trees, finds itself a target.
Its respected towers of defined dignity through age and grace
have no choice but to stand tall and weather the storm.
She happily sends her anger.
“Today is a different day,”
Said the sea when she awoke.
She spoke to the birds and sent them away, told them to fear the sea today.
She pitied the fishermen who ignored her warnings,
but some are meant to learn lessons in a storm.
Even pain is a necessary lesson,
and today the sea speaks.
The castle does not tremble against the aggressive wind and the passionate rain.
The castle retains its sense of self,
It reaffirms its passions,
and steadies against the storm.
“You cannot take down my years of work”
Screams the castle, trying to be as loud as the crashing ocean,
as loud as the belting wind, as loud as the crying rain.
“You don’t know me”
Returns the storm, a demented complex of the sea,
a scary facet of the water, a vengeful version of the element.
The two carry on the same for the remainder of the day.
There are no winners in war,
only survivors.
The castle accepts a healing sun’s rays,
They cleanse its wet stone of its tears.
The waves are calm after hours of unrest.
The water hugs the shore for the first time in what feels like years.