The Cards of Life
Every day Life deals us a hand
Sometimes exciting and sometimes bland
We cannot control the cards we are dealt
Only control the way things are felt
Life will sometimes deal us a heart
Playing that card is a good way to start
Spending our time with the ones that we love
Having a good time will bring us above
When Life deals us spades it will be hard
Making our game feel dreary and marred
Sometimes diamonds are dealt our way
Bringing beauty, money and fame today
But when Life deals clubs it will hurt
Pain can make us become inert
Just remember whether high or low
That you are the player on this game show
You get to choose the cards that you play
How you react and how you survey
The cards in your hand do not dictate
The actions that you make or how you relate
To others who also play the game
Whose hand could be worse or the same
So remember to give others a heart
To love, to cherish, to be a part
Give them diamonds to make them feel good
And help them discard spades as they should
Though Life may be random our actions are not.