Can it be?
Can it be? Romans 7:6 “so now that we should live in the newness
of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter”
Why won’t I play the hand I am dealt?
Why do I justify cheating?
Did I embrace the letter
just to compromise?
I use my interpretation
to return the letter to sender
and so to justify myself
while drowning in the mire.
I need to embrace the Spirit,
but I am mislead by self
and maybe by most others
who claim to know the “Truth”.
The sad part of it all is
that most are spiritual dead
and me and my and I
at times have no clue.
Where to find the Spirit
with my mind deprived?
Listening to some other minds
won’t really get me there.
Searching for the Truth
and hunger for the Righteous
will bring the Spirit home to me
in Christ’s own atmosphere.
Can my spirit after being redeemed
become very decrepit?
Old and stale, traditional,
you know, “patterned by me”.
Doctrines reaching to the mind
which only the world inherit.
Lifeless, polished, never touched
enslaved by the rotten me.
May be my spirit is
untouchable by my flesh.
Really it is just an entity
far beyond mind’s control.
Let it be that God enjoys
togetherness in the Spirit,
with the “me” that’s really me
at peace without a jolt.
Jan Wienen