Cadet life
I was a normal man before
Then I joined the AM corps
Night is day & day is night
Junior is wrong & senior is right
Its 0400 hrs, change into PT kit
Fail the mile & you'll have it
Front roll, back roll, on chest, crawl
Go and legs up with that wall
1 minute, change into mufti dress
30 seconds and out of the mess
Count your offenses, SMC you shits
Missed the wish and wished the miss
Then I was screwed up well by staff
Knees up, double up, hurry up saab
For dress inspection, in threes align
Pathetic shave! 3 days pay fine
Half night I spent in alpha reports
Half in practicing championship sports
Now Dreaming in bed, about cold showers
Morning fallin at 0400 hours
~Muhammad Shoaib Aslam