Bullying: The Silent Killer
Breaks the spirit of the vulnerable,
As a china dish shatters when smashed against cement
Breeds insecurities, depression, sorrow
As a public restroom breeds disease
Crushes hopes, dreams, aspirations.
Like crushing grapes underfoot to make wine
Is a vehicle for cutting, depression, suicide,
As is the knife that slices the flesh of the oppressed
Transforms unique students to uniform members of a body,
As socialism removes the differences between the classes
Is a catalyst for silencing the strong, the brave,
As a gag around a prisoner's mouth
Must end.
Must be stopped.
Teachers, tune your ears to the cries of the oppressed.
Their voices call out, searching for hope, for an answer
Hear the weak, build the confidence of the vulnerable, and allow the strong to remain steadfast.
Save a life. End Bullying.