You’ve always come back around
sharp but not jagged
You have nothing
but undistinguished emotion
wrapped up with twine
My head picks up the high seas
I’m cyclical in nature
Start where you end, that’s what I’ve
always said
back to the top, to the mouth
My teeth were never pearls
That sinking feeling comes with a
lilt of the heart and something
missing from the mile
I can’t get it
out of
my head
My nails are purple
every single one crushed and lacquered
You expect a boom
but I know my color
I don’t want to go back to the end
Illusions sweep me off
my harmony
I don’t think I can keep
up with you
I’ve got a smoothness to me
You’re just a medley of
uneven bundles with baggage
Shoulders hold broken cartilage
True is reckless
You and I have found the
end again
It’s alone
like the start
I can always hear the sea