Three years old
They have returned from the hospital
And they smile softly at me
"A name?" they ask
They give me three choices
One to long
Another too short
I am a three year old Goldilocks
I say
They nod and beam
I gave him an identity
Before he became a part of mine
He is an unknown
Six years old
He is the prized posession
Of my grandparents
And although he steals the spotlight
And I am somewhat envious
I smile when people say his name
He is a playmate
Nine years old
We solve puzzles together, he is better than me and I am proud
We play together, carting around dinosurs and pink puppies
We laugh together, everything is better with your best friend
We paint ourselves with the purple berries in the yard and wreak havoc in the lawn
We prance around catching grasshoppers by the legs but letting them go without harm
We are naivety and innocence
These are the best days
My favorite days that I cling to, refusing to let go
He is my confidant
Twelve years old
For the longest time
I have been sick
My stomach hurts so that I refuse to eat
I miss trips and school, and friends, and memories I should be able to make
But have been cheated out of
And when I am as down as it gets
He makes me laugh
He is my bright spot
And now
Fifteen years old
I protect him fiercly
As if I can pay him back for all he has given me
He is my best friend
And my inspiration
And my hope
And my happiness
My brother