Brooklyn in the Rain
20/1/19--Brooklyn in The Rain
I'm 17 and a month old now, and it’s about 20 minutes past midnight.
It’s a cold rainy night in Brooklyn, but I only know that from the shape in the street lights and the sounds.
Staring through my brother’s kitchen apartment window, I remember how there's so many things I don't know.
And I wanna feel good and safe.
But I don't in this case, and I don't know why.
Maybe it's the demons storming around in my head.
Maybe it's the cat using a shopping bag as a bed
Maybe it's every car and bus passing by.
Maybe it's the thought that I could die, and everything just might be fine.
That's a lot to think about at 23 minutes past midnight now.
I was happy most of the day why suddenly I feel down?
I think I know, but I don't know how to say it, or even write it down.
All I have to describe it is a sound.
A ringing that is quiet, even silent, then suddenly it shakes my body and I go deaf.
It's all in my head.
That just makes it worse.
I don't need to go forward or reverse.
I just wanna stay parked here.
Dry my mental tears.
And stare at midnight Brooklyn in the rain.