Broken Youth
I almost ran away over the weekend.
Yelling pierced the air and spilled from the door,
And I couldn’t take it anymore.
So I got in my car and started driving.
I came back because the tank was empty.
I came back because I couldn’t continue on.
I came back because I was bound to that house and its darkness
And this crummy little town.
That’s why I didn’t do my homework.
The yelling was a distraction from chemical reactions on paper.
I couldn’t break down the noise beyond my door
So I couldn’t break down problem number two.
I curled in my closet with the radio on instead.
Hiding didn’t quiet the yelling, and running was a temporary respite.
The entire weekend was a game of roulette
And when I lost, the yelling was turned on me.
Russian Roulette without the gun but not without the danger.
You never knew what it was like at home.
That was all the shit I couldn’t tell you.