Broken Fantasy by Bruno Pardo&
Broken Fantasy by Bruno Pardo
Once upon a time, what a lie!
Once upon a time nothing happened
Once upon a time you were fooled
Once upon a time, fantasy unleashed
Making masses believe that true love did exist
Talking rats, animated trees
A crystal shoe that had to fit
Birds that sew and make a dress
For god’s sake, give me a rest.
A pale princess that ran away
A blond maid that couldn’t stay
A fire mermaid that couldn’t talk
Because she wished to finally walk
But with no effort they won
Won the prince, the castle and more
How they did it? I don’t know
I don’t care, I give up
Fairy Tales are just that
Delicious food that makes you fat
Just procure not to eat much
A bullshit-free diet that will last.