When you've been broken you know it
Finding a way to get back to where your from in your mind
may seem like a waist of time
All because your broken
When you've been broken you breake down and cry all the time
because you think theres no hope with to cope
All because your broken
all of us have a breaking point but open your mind like a hinged joint
and you will see the world at witch you have came from
getting away from the point of breaking is the point where you are about to be broken
thinking about the where this is coming from is the point of turn around
turn around like a marry go round just know that miracles go around
All because you were broken
But were not broken we are a token
winning prizes watching our minds eye come alive
from a demized mind at one time from living a lie
All because we were broken
Now we know and we are not blind the wool is not covering our eyes
it is time to stand and fight for our own sight because we know our light is bright
All because we were broken
We are not broken
We just have to stand