The Broad and the Narrow


United States
29° 37' 0.4116" N, 82° 47' 57.9084" W

Each morning there is a choice you must make
Between two roads and which you will take
The broad road is full of earthly pleasures
But the narrow path leads to God’s enduring treasures

Oh how easy to choose the path of the world
Since taking the narrow means Satan’s darts will be hurled
The broad road has all the sinful pleasures you could want
But on the judgment day the Son of God you must confront

The prince of lies will give all earth has to desire
Causing you to sink deeper and deeper into his mire
The narrow road has many trials that you will have to bare
But in the end an inheritance with the son of God you will share

Only you can make the choice
To live for Satan or heed God’s voice
So choose wisely the road you will trod
Will it be the narrow or the broad?



Well-wrought in terms of line lengths and endings. If you haven't yet, check out Edward Spenser's "The Faery Queen"--a couple hundred years old, yes, but the story of the Red Cross Knight has extremely close parallels with this poem; I think you might enjoy reading it, and you may gain further inspiration from it.

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