I don't know what they're talking about
Saying that your gone
Saying that you'll never come back
I don't want to know what they're talking about
No more
What do they mean
When they say you gone forever
That when you walked out that door that would never walk back
That you wouldn't be able too
That you can no longer hold my hand
They said your gone
That you will no longer hear
I can't breathe
I can't hear
I can't see
It all takes me back to you
Everything I hear reminds me of you
I everything I see seems to do the same thing too
I'm lost without you
I can't breathe without you
Slowly but surely this will kill me
I just want freedom from this pain
Of living in your memory
And knowning that you will never draw breath again
I can't see
I can't breath this is killing me
I can't hear past the static
I live in a contest memory
That is filled with you
Nothing but dreams of you
Nothing but memories of you
I can't breathe
Cause you will never breathe again
They told me you will never breath same as me again
We use to breathe the same air
We use to listen to the songs
We use to look at the same stars and look at the moon
Now we can't do any of those things again
Now look, look at me
Tell me what do you see
I'm a mess
If only you hadn't walked out that door
If only it was me who walked out that door
It wouldn't be like this anymore
I still can't breath
I still can't see or hear without the memory of you in everything I do
They keep telling me it will get easier
But do they really know
What it was like loving you
It took up my whole hreat
I can't get it back
I don't want it back
Cause I still want you to walk through that door again
They tell me it will never happen again
You hadn't live
Why was it you and not me who had walked through that door
I don't know
I guess I will never know
It's the past now
I can't change it sadly
It's getting easier to breath
I'm still being hunted by your memory
I seem to hear things that remind of your laughter everyday
I still see things that remind me of your smile
I'll never see you smile again
I'll never see you walk through that door again
I'll keep breathing for you
I'll keep living for you
Cause I know you would want me to
But I will never forget the memory of you
I can't forget the memory of you
Cause even thou you can't live beside me
You will live within me
You will stand by me inside my heart
For your memory shall never leave my heart empty
Cause your love is always everlasting
Cause Darling death doesn't stop love
It only lets you know how much it means to you
How much you love it too
Darling I will forever love you
Forever I will love you
And you always said
I will always love you too
So I'm going to keep living cause
Our love was everlasting
You still have my heart
I'll never get it back
But I don't want it back
Cause you will live on in my heart
Your memory will carry on
I'm finally breatheing on my own now
I no longer cry at our memories
I smile and laugh at them instead
Let our memory live on
Even through you haven't
I'll keep living for us both
Cause I ain't letting you go
Our memories will live on within me
Cause I still love you forever more
I will keep breathing for you
Cause that's what you would want me to do
And maybe someday dear darling we can see each other again
And hear each others laughter agin
So until then
I will keep breathing
For you