Breaking your heart was my
Breaking your heart was my favorite part
You see, that's the only time I ever felt a thing
You were great
Splendid in every way
Mesmerizing to any average eye
But I still couldn't feel a damn thing
Savagery overwhelmed my spirit
When I left you naked and bare
Your feelings exposed for the world to see
And I ignored it
I acted as if I was blind
This was all just a game to me
I don't love you
I don't want to love you
I can't love you
I apologize for this
That's the most sincere gesture I could offer
But I can't apologize for your arrogance
I warned you
And you acted as if you were deaf
Or incoherent
Either or
You still didn't listen
And at that, I'm glad I broke your heart
Because now you know
You've endured the pain I didn't wish upon you
And you miss me despite the misery I've inflicted
Now you understand
You understand that shitty little cliche
"Love hurts"