Brave New America
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
A sound that doesn't resonate within me
The thrumming of pride that falls flat in my presence
A cacophony of Hate, Prejudism and Ignorance
This sound is not sweet but a constant sound I hear within me
That saved a wretch me like me
A proud person, proud to be a wretch
an unhappy person who doesn't give heck
An unfortunate person of a great nation
not realizing the their prideful happiness
was created by unadulterated indignation
I once was lost but now I am found
Yet to be found is to admit that I am and was lost
How can I admit such a fallacy and at what cost?
But I had never felt such a thing, how this be true?
Unless someone else sees this in me, was it you?
Was blind but now I see.
At least this I can say
If this place allows me to relay
I finally see this place made in it's way
And I can proudly say that I will not stay