
Luke 9:25 New English Translation (NET Bible)25 For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but loses or forfeits himself?  Bottom Line 


The bottom line is our idol, it rules our world day and night.

All our energy is focused on its power and its might.


It has no love or comprehension, it has enslaved our leadership.

It drowns empathy in hardness as it steers us off the cliff.


By the sea of destruction stands a tree that is called greed

with no leaves and just branches that reach upward in their need.


A branch that is above the waters has the bottom line hanging down

with a loose on its shoulders around the neck of the working “clown”.


His feet are on a plank called matrix that is held by a counterweight.

A little cup filled with compassion which was squeezed out of date.


Are we led by Stephen Covey who showed taught us about personal gain?

As every night he counts his money as the common man gets put to shame.


He and Miller have all the answers and also Aubrey Daniels is in the game.

Let followers become leaders so management, as appointed, can shift the blame.


Death travels in a vicious circle it is well dressed and appears very nice,

until you smell the decaying breath suffocates you and kills you twice.


First with envy and then with hate until it makes a slave of you.

Then you’ll help the common cause at the expense of the entire group.


Oh, bottom-line you're all that matters as you rule the world of the lost.

You instigate much sorrow in the working-class as you squeeze it at any cost.


Jan Wienen


This poem is about: 
My country
Our world


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