Born with a ghetto mentality


United States
30° 44' 1.5324" N, 88° 10' 40.5048" W

I walk with a twist, when I talk I always express my words through my wrist.
I wear my clothes skin-tight make sure my hair and nails are just right.
Because, I was born with a ghetto mentality

I’m more than my walk; I’m more than my skin-tight clothes. I’m hurting inside.
I use these things as my way to hide.
But, all you see is that I was born with this ghetto mentality.

You filled my head with your nonsense
I believed your words as if you were God sent.
Who can I run to when my world is crashing?
No one because it feels like my heart takes the thrashing
But, it’s ignored because I was born with this ghetto mentality

Now I cherish my daydreams because they dissolved all my midnight screams.
I wear this smile you adorn even though the number of heartbreaks I’ve had made me feel like a whore.
I endure my days without fears because my eyes have seen too many tears.
This made me happy because I was born with a ghetto mentality.

The streets take me in with open arms, giving me this false sense of protection from the worlds many harms.
You made me feel like I deserved less, so I took what you gave and settled for less.
I only focused on your good because; I was born with a ghetto mentality.

Your mind is filled with nothing more than fortune and fame and only focusing on your material gain.
Your mind and my mind is not the same, as I sit here trying to ignore the pain.
Where were you when the sunsets on my paradise?
Probably in corner with your boys throwing dice.
I looked it over because; I was born with this ghetto mentality

I’m here alone my mother was right; the streets can not comfort me at night.
The streets took my fears but couldn’t dry my tears
It turned my frown upside down but treated my heart like a clown.
The streets gave me daydreams, but also gave me horrors that made me scream.
I took it all because I was born with a ghetto mentality

I’m getting older and the streets are getting colder
Breath is getting harder to come by; I think I just heard the street sigh.
My breath has caught in my chest, I’m not really sure what’s going to happen next
My heart is beginning to race , it cant keep beating at this pace
My heart is starting to crack, I now know there’s no going back.
My ribs have all shattered moving together it sounds like nosy chatter.
I lay here in the streets broken with not even a good luck token.
I wonder will they even write my name on a stone because, I was born with a ghetto mentality but I died alone.



I loved this poem, personally. And it really id speak to me. It is poets like you, who have gone through the ghetto been taught other things than what we should really know, that we are trying to reach out to. I am so happy that you have found Power Poetry and that you are sharing your work. I love this piece.



I feel this so much its the truth great poem i love it. Keep speaking the real.. I have that mentality and i hurt in ways people over look but only god understands and cares. Wow this really touched me... Thank you. Praises to god be blessed.

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