Body Betrayal
My fingers itch with harmful anticipation
A neverending infatuation
My bones creak under the stress of my aching shoulders
My body jerks with fear at the sudden thought,an unresting soldier
The itch and ache will be too much one day
My body betraying me, led astray
Warmth will drip all the way down
Too weak to swim but too scared to drown
My hands will shake as I realize what I have done
My life, so short,only just begun
My stomach a void
waiting for the brains command on what to avoid
what will it be now
refusing the evidence,a constant disallow
the signs are clear
but im still blinded by fear
When my body is found a hundred years from today
what will they say
my skin gone,self harm inevident
but will that be relevant
"scars are forever"
but we are told life is short, never say never
I know one day i'll fade away
then it wont matter what I weigh
My hands still itch
my bones still creak
My body will shake and jerk
to know im alive
to always tell myself how to survive
to know I am still here