Blinded Eyes, Blackened Hearts
Its sad when the world today
lets history cloud its judgement.
When Americans who saw the double flames continue to burn
and their hearts to flambe. In the sixties, we were willing to crown a goat Miss America,
as well as allow our bras to burn. All I ask now is, it this really a time to be so stern?
Miss 2013 is an American, born blooded blue and true,
but all the states have seen is her caramel color, which is not the right thing to do.
While she is the ethnicity of those who took from us a hoard of precious gems,
May I remind you that not every Iraqian and Iranian citizen is them.
The intial attack was fueled by ignorance, spewing from one group's
wicked rumor mill, and it seems that the United States has absorbed the toxic overflowing spill.
We fought for equality for the colors of the rainbow, such as with Black and Native American,
and for the rights of women and students too. Now, I ask you to stop being prejudice against one
person because she doesn't look like you.
The Queen is not apart of the political cult
who hijacked our 407s, and the shows no malice towards the country as a whole. Her status
as Miss America is no more dangerous than an elegant lady wearing a mink stole.
The years of anger and bitterness have not yet passed, but I pleadingly ask all of you,
don't be mad at her highness's victory because of her skin, or you will become them too.