
Pick out the perfect outfit for the day, just for the people to notice you. Put on a tiny shirt and some jeans, although they are uncomfortable. Squeeze your feet into tiny shoes even though they are too tight. “I have to wear them, everyone does.

Putting on a face of makeup and accessories to look better than your natural self. Ironing or pulling up your hair so no one knows how frizzy and messed up your hair looks in the morning.

Force a smile to everyone that looks at you in the hallways as you’re thinking “I just want to go home,” and, “I wish I looked like her. How is she so perfect? Her gold hair falls perfectly down to her waist, her big blue eyes and long eyelashes. Why can’t I look like her?”

Constantly thinking about how you look. Occasionally going to the bathroom to make sure you look acceptable. I see it everyday.

Getting undressed out of the scratchy clothes. Putting on pajamas and looking in the mirror, “Did I eat too much today?”

Washing off all of your makeup and looking in the mirror. You don’t look long because you feel you can’t even look at yourself. You’ve gotten so used to how you look with makeup that you can’t even see your own beauty anymore.

Eating. I’m so hungry I just want to stuff my face, but I can’t eat too much or I’ll gain weight. Take a few bites, finished. 

Go to bed.

Wake up and repeat the day from the last, disappointing and worthless.



Poem explanation:

People are blinded by what society says: You have to be skinny, keep up with the new trends. Have certain clothes, shoes, straight teeth. You have to look a certain way, girls should have long hair and boys should have short. Society is wrong. Having different characteristics is what sets us apart from each other and makes us, us. Be yourself because you should feel accepted no matter who you are or decide to be. Always remember you are beautiful just the way you are!



This poem is about: 
Our world


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