The Blame's On Me
It’s inevitable
No way around it
But the joy of the happiness
Before the pain
Is almost worth it
I can’t blame my pain
On anyone else but me.
I push people away, at the sight
Of compassion for me.
I can’t understand
Why anyone would care
For a girl like me
My first heartbreak
Oh, that one was tough
I knew my heart would be shattered
From the second he looked at me
With those ice blue eyes
That could leave you breathless
He was the boy with an icy soul.
I kept myself in an icebox
As he blossomed in front of me
In his hopes of finding love.
But I couldn’t accept
Someone like him
Would ever love someone like me
Once I realized I could care for him
Like he cared for me
It was too late
I already told him his love was unrequited
He moved on to being the soulless boy
He was known to be.
My second love,
Oh this was the hardest
He was my best friend
The boy to find refuge in
The good guy
Among all the bad
I didn’t want to fall for him.
I knew when he left
I would have no one but me.
For months I ignored the flirting
Labeled it as friends having fun.
But soon I could no longer fight it
The passion was there
The fear of heartbreak was too much
It took me months to let myself
Call him, my love.
But my fear for seeming overbearing
Was perceived as me not caring.
Trying to be perfect
Wasn’t perfect for him
He was blind to my love for him
After weeks of finally started to heal but,
He crushed my happiness in 185 seconds.
The pain of losing the one person I trust
And the first person I confessed my love to
Was too much to bear.
I shut myself out
From my friends and family
Leaving me truly alone
There is no one to blame
As much as I wish there was.
There is just me and my walls,
I wish I could crush
Now I let no one in for fear of
Doing wrong
Causing my heartbreak over and over
As I start to believe again who would
Ever want to love a girl like me?