A Black Woman
Women, Black women who, before suppressed now dress up rising to a new horizon of Power. This is their hour of devouring titles of the once entrusted boss-men; entitled, the elitist flossin' visionary codes of color and cards required for recruitment, boldly labeled ownership though of course the ship, not of his own sweat, effort, and bloodstained tears is not his own ship friend-shipped with hell's ship simplified to hard's ship politically our ship is equal supposedly, all super duper but, beyond duped stupor and figurative politics sailed a slave ship once home to stone cold beds where soft round hips and dark lips of red; the essence of a sista, lay still once home to decks of song-less dance where hard rock abs and firm stern hands of the brotha, formed from exercised whips and chains constrained the still, carried on still with bruised hearts, mental scars, wounded will and broken skulls, raging souls, flesh open the formed though strong, deformed but from the battered cracks oozed survival and through survival came change change in formations of a negros birth change in instillation of a negros worth and in time over oceans across eras home away from home became homey needs a loan an I owe you from the owner who owned his own years before, but no matter, times wasted with mindings of old and homey sees, reminded by america's evolution, and tiger's wood that hardworking he'll one day earn this space to place his learned desires a place with no room for women with skin illustrating moonless night, like his mother the place where brighter- a taste acquired from the higher source is the climax of success leaving black women stranded severed in loneliness, abandonment, self-loathing, saltiness building armors of attitude, that stench of ugly but shelter; hearts, devoted, in pain, to mask private isolation hidden, asking why waiting, hating why. Why? cause there's no love for the slightly more than red bone darkly painted copper tone coffee tinted sun kissed, creamy smooth chocolate miss loveless, deemed less admittedly so by the just as shaded un-prized by their own men even after the sacrifices of laying still while being stolen from laying still while giving birth to men strong like their fathers who remained absent through weakness laying still upon tear dampened pillows that like a sponge, soaked up a lifetime's disappointment but not anymore for the fresh morning rays of dawn has lit a new truth upon cheeks in varying hues of brown a soul lifting realization silencing cries from ancestors slaved by crimes fueled by hate slayed by minds fooled by ignorance a shackle freeing realization that outshines eyes forever blinded by lines of black or white by fears of coloring outside coveringhoney realize your value unfit for entitlements your freedom obtained from an unmatched love your power from heavens above no doubt sun rising, setting for your splendor while a poison ivied world quieted with awe admires beauty's origin raw and true who is thee ultimate woman A Black woman