"Black Girl Magic"
its suppression in this world is tragic
the land of the free
home of the enslaved
how can two polar opposites be the exact same?
the land where half of my ancestors dehumanized the other half
who built this country
is this why i can never seem to truly fit in?
because freedom and injustice
live within
yet i am defined by my
one drop of negro blood and i am seen as an entire demographic
and not because that’s how i choose to identify
it’s because of what you see with your eyes
and what your brain chooses to categorize me as
not afraid to wear my hair different one day
and someone feels the need to say
that i am the whitest black girl they have ever met
or maybe others feel the need to put their hands
all over my head
i will say it once and i’ll say it again
No, you may not touch my hair.
folks are so used to the high pedestal
they have placed themselves on
they feel so entitled to everything within their sight
You are not entitled to me.
to any
yes, my curls are beautiful
worn straight or in spirals
but you look with your eyes
not with your hands
and that is simply borderline respect.
something that i don’t see enough
talking to a “friend” they ask me for the “pass”
well ask for a nigga pass
from the slave who heard that degrading name
every time they were whipped on the back
until their skin peeled off
as their wives, daughters, and sisters were raped
as they worked from sunrise to well past sunset
hardly time for rest
only to wake up to the same things
all over again
don’t you dare ask me for the “pass”
it doesn’t exist
imagine existing in this bubble
where i already have to prove that yes
i am capable
the preconceived notion you receive when you see the color of my skin
and the fact that i am a woman
might whisper “she can’t”
she can’t succeed in that math class because she lacks
“algebra fundamentals”
well, that’s not what the A and teacher comment on my last report card says
never ever tell Halle Madison Mae Huffman
that she can’t do something
because yes i will
and yes i did
it’s that black girl magic that continues to sit deep inside me
it gives me the courage to have my voice be heard
monday through friday i might not be liked
or respected by everyone on campus
but my place among this student body is well deserved
i am here because of my kick-ass mom
who to many may seem far too strict
but she’s simply not willing to take the risk
of letting me do the same things my white friends do
one quick phone call for you
is my mother trying to figure out sufficient funds for bail money
one quick procedure for you
is my mother telling me i need to keep it
because the time to figure out what to do is before you choose to go in unprotected
she breaks her back so i can come to a school
and see one other black girl
to see about 10 other people that look anything like me
but it’s the opportunities
to be who i want to be
to do what i came into this world to do
that are fostered here
loving other people
that is the secret weapon
of my black girl magic
not everyone comes from the same background as you
but being able to sympathize with people
and love them for who they are
is where we should start
recognize your privilege
white people
recognize that this world was made for the white man to succeed
and then use that power
not to discriminate
not to to be disrespectful
not to make an insensitive comment or “joke”
but to be an ally to those that may not look like you
or think like you
ten years from now
i hope you carry these words with you
and continue to recognize the power
of this
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Annette M Velasquez
Powerful and honest. This is an important and eloquently stated message. Your poem has the qualities to win the "slam for civil rights," or any slam, for that matter. Please look at my " Loving the Skin" poem and " always the odd one" I think you'll enjoy them and please give feedback.