"Black Clouds"
Why don’t we choose to float black clouds?
How did we miss that opportunity?
Maybe because we were too busy giving the “white clouds” time to develop.
That isn’t deep enough
Black clouds that let go white raindrops, we don’t rain together.
Shouldn’t those raindrops be clear enough for us to see the damage we created in our own storm?
Why don’t the black clouds choose to float?
You see the tragedies, not the ones that lie beneath us, but the tragedies we form ourselves.
I am the source of my problems black clouds.
I am the fuel that drives my enemies black clouds.
But why won’t the black clouds choose to float?
Black clouds that let go white raindrops, we don't rain together.
Those, Them, Those, Them.
NO! I rather for it to be us.
They don’t see one, they don’t see two, they don’t see three, they see we!
How can I uplift a cloud, that won’t uplift itself?
Have that denim pulled above your waist so they can only see the best part of you.
My brother My sister
That was your opportunity to lift your fellow black cloud, who doesn’t know their floating ability.
Put your pride aside, there's a coming storm. Matter of fact you don't have pride, lose your stupidity. Here comes the rain, the white clouds, the gunshots, the beefing, the put-downs, the rap songs, the insecurity, the bullying!
Why don't the black clouds choose to float?
Why can't I look up to you black clouds?
Because you are the clouds that choose to separate.