B is for beautiful
L is for Loveable
A is for Acceptable
C is for Courageous
K is for Knowable
B is for beautiful
For being bold
To be boisterous when needed
And when to be heard by the world
For being blessed of our existence
Embracing the different shades
Of skin God put us in
We are all human
That bleeds the same
L is for Loveable
For having people who can lead
Strong individuals that show loyalty
That understands their dignity
That carries integrity
A is for acceptable
Feeling like one of a kind
To feel important
To not feel judged of our differences
& fearing death just because the color of our skin
C is for courageous
Not in color but in black and white
Through dark times
People from our past with their candidness
Through all the blood
The scars
The tears
Fighting for what we’re able to have today
K is for knowable
The relevance of our history
Being knowledgeable about what we’ve learned
The many names that’ll forever be dominant
The gratefulness of their bravery and dedication
Never will seem enough