

What is bittersweet,

Something that starts off sweet,

But ends off so bitter,

Remembering when the meeting of our lips was oh so tender,

Even the sweetness of your lips is bitter,

Remember when our record was a mellifluous tune,

Such a pleasant tune to hear to your ears,

Now our tune can’t stop playing in my head,

It’s now a lugubrious tune that makes my eyes start to water,

Now you’re the lowest miscreant in my eyes,

Breaking the hearts of many who would give their last for you,

Now I’m left here mortified because of you,

Just humiliated because I would do almost anything for you,

The flame that we kindled is now dead and washed out,

If I had a scar for every time my heart felt like it shattered,

It would be a myriad amount of scars right here on my chest,

I was once a maverick, an independent thinker,

But ever since she mauled her way into my heart,

It’s as if I couldn’t even think the same without her,

So I ask again what is bittersweet,

Something that starts off sweet,

But ends off so bitter,

Who would have knew love is so bittersweet.


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