Beyond me ...

Ephesians 6:12 

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

against powers, against the rulers of  the darkness of this age,

against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.


Beyond me


“Our battle is not with flesh and blood”,

so what can weigh down my spirit?

How can Satan harass

what is not really mine?

He interferes I know

between me and the Holy Spirit

and deprives me of the lightness

and the joy of feeling fine.


A disregard for sin oppresses my spirit

with compromise in tow, I ignore my “Him”.

Conscience will grow dull ... in a quick fashion

until all feeling is gone and I’m a might have been.


My spirit then imprisoned and the soul without guidance.

When my spirit is oppressed my mind can’t function well.

An attitude of indifference ... will clothe me like a garment

and selfishness will flourish ... as my pride will swell.


Exercise my spirit to oppose oppression?

Can I resist it with prayer ... how about God’s intuition?

Jesus knows my weakness ... will He make me stronger?

And remove the powers of evil beyond the soul’s recognition.


Jan Wienen

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