Beyond Ignorance is Awareness
This is nonsensical
I received a fatal wound
Inside of my convertible
Which actually led me to this mountain
An epiphany sprouted from the muck that lays in the lake
That no witchcraft is strong enough to remake this scenario
Sprout not what you think will occur
But understand the value of a sudden change of direction
Wisdom and experience
Are not what one can understand through their senses
It is what one lives through
Imagine the shock if one went ignorant
Oblivious to the fact that they were naive
Only to find themselves in a mountain with a fatal wound
Stuck in the muck inside of their convertible
Just to find out their lack of understanding
Their existence in the world is for a certain reason
Driving to the west side of the mountain
A goat rammed into the convertible
I hit not only a goat but his kid
I stirred the car off into the lake
Unaware of my cut in my arm at the time
In that muck sprouted an awareness
On how silly my view on life was
However it is now known
Whether it got across to you
Or if you are lost