Better late than never

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 15:20 -- delucah


United States
39° 50' 47.0472" N, 75° 29' 54.7872" W

My Gram was full of passion

She always followed her own fashion

Her dark brown hair was cut short

she was my one and only cohort

She was the one who watched me learn to talk

and of course she was the one who watched me walk

A nickname she did bestow

from childhood on I was her “Little gizmo”

Her laugh would brighten every room

and her glare meaning your impending doom

She had a large collection of Salt and pepper shakers

There was enough to stretch on for many acres

I used to help her hunt for new pairs

so of course I became the rightful heir

We’d watch scary movies every night

Then go fishing in the morning light

One night her breath became nothing but hacks

To the hospital we kept going back

That day She almost died

and then again another few times.

Then one June I got a call

My Gram’s chest gave its final fall

I did not get to say goodbye

nor did I get to go where she lie

She took many chances,

and one too many advances.

As a little girl I thought-

You’re my special gift,

and that's what you'll always be.

I never once thought that you’d be leaving me

I lie here every night thinking of you

Tears fall from my eyes feeling so blue

Why did you leave me all alone

You got your wings and off you have flown

To a different place away from my love

To your lighthouse in the sky above

Where once in awhile when I feel low

I can hear you in my ear, your voice an echo

“Do not fear my young one

for my time was done.”

Because now I am older I am able to see

life didn’t take you away from me

Rather, made you an angel with wings to fly

To look after me in the sky

You’re the perfect one for the job

I’ve wiped my tears, no longer do I sob

Now I sit here and think about the days

That I got to sing and dance with you in the sunny rays

It’s been a few years but still sometimes I smile,

and sometimes I even cry

Why Gram didn’t you wait for me to say I love you and goodbye?

Never will I forget her, no not I

And my heartbreak will eventually mend

I wish she could be at my graduation, with my cap on my head

I wish I could see her smiling face

Even though I know she’s in a better place

And I keep her alive in my heart and my head

She is my hero and that stays true

I Miss My Gram, I really do...

For Linda-lou Hill (Gram)
“Better late than never”


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