Better Days To Come
To the people out there who struggle to smile,
It's okay I feel you too.
But you can't sit around and mope,
Always feeling down and blue.
I know that it's like to be depressed
And I know what it's like to forever be stressed
But when you always have a frown
You leave no room for better days to come.
I grew up not the richest kid on the block
Hell, I wasn't even close to rich.
I watched my mom cry about how she couldn't pay the bills,
But she was't acting like a witch.
All she could do is pray
And as for money she finally got some.
I asked what she prayed for,
And she told me "for better days to come"
Now a 17 year old young woman
It's my turn to cry
I got accepted into a college and I cant go
Because money is the reason why.
I could go out in the streets for easy money
Or I could earn it with a real job.
I could waste my life away like a bum,
My mom didn't raise me that way.
I know there are better days to come.
If you see someone homeless on the streets,
Help them out.
If you see someone in need of advice,
Have something to offer.
If you see someone going down the wrong path
You should guide them,
But the best thing you can do is give hope and say
"There are better days to come."