The Best Thing in My Life


United States
33° 9' 14.8212" N, 96° 45' 36.3816" W

Called to set, the whistle blows
Time to march, eight clicks and go
Feet in time, toes a'lift
Make sure the tempo doesn't drift.
Always like walking on glass.
Oh ya, and woodwinds are way better than brass.

Each section claiming they are the best.
Well marching band puts that to the test.
Game one day, competition the next.
Its amazing we have time to rest.
MUST. KEEP. PUSHING... becasue state is our quest.

Just like a family,
I know that the band is there for me.
Whether crackin' jokes at IHOP, or running through the show,
We've got each other's backs, and THAT we'll always know.

Band is love.
Band is work.
In band we extend our stride.
And now, I have one thing left to say...
Band. Ten. Hut. PRIDE!


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