I would like to share a special place for me it was a bench that sat under a shady tree this bench that sat under the shady tree had the perfect view of the sea one day while i was sitting enjoying the shade from the tree something excited happen to me this beautiful angle walked up to me and ask if she could sit on this bench and relax in the shade with me as fast as a twinkle from an eye I jumped to my feet and with a crackling voice I replied please please I would love you to share this bench with me and enjoy this view of the sea as we sat on this bench under the tree we exchanged are names and pleasantries we talked and talked until the day light sun had passed away and before we left we both promised to meet at the bench the next day the next day came and there her and I would be sharing our bench under the shady tree with the perfect view of the sea all summer long as it came to be we would meet at are special bench by the sea and shelter are self from the sun under the shade tree Oh how wonderful this bench was for me it;s where I found a friend a lover a companion you see I hope for all your as lucky as me and find your bench by the sea !