
Sun, 01/26/2014 - 21:09 -- mazzle

Life is more than the number one.

Yes, I'm given this one life,

And yes, I'm one in quite a few billion,

But these days are filled with turmoil and strife,

Kids these days, they experiment, and they torment.

There's blood in the streets and while we are trying to point fingers,

We don't see why there's such detrement,

A thousand years later and the war on civil rights will still linger.

Everybody wants a chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,

So why is everybody putting each other down?

Why do we fill our lives up with all this crappiness?

The population still grows but it feels like the whole world is becoming a ghost town.


The number one does not consume my life.

The boundaries of over seven billion are being pushed,

And do I honestly think that I'm the only one to stop that gangster's knife?

I'd end up getting killed, only getting ambushed.

Money and hatred make the world go round,

While some close their eyes, and some are ignorant,

I see that others tears are causing them to drown,

I see a nation whose fire is belligerent,

Yes, I only live once,

So I'm not going to waste it being stagnant.

I will help others move forward and find joy abundance,

Because why live this one life being malevolent?



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