Belle of Rose
Once upon a time
There was a girl
With beauty as rich as a rose that everyone loved
Untouched by the evils of the world
Her simple dress like perfect petals,
Singing her way through the troubles of life,
Never thinking she’ll ever have to roll a dice.
But one cloud eve,
Her father gone astray,
Taken by the Prince everyone be afraid,
She rushes to the rescue,
Clad in her rags,
Ready to save her dear father,
Just as a faithful daughter had
But as soon as she meets the beast of a Prince,
With his murderous eyes,
There’s a glint of mischievous in his eye,
He wants her to himself.
He wants her, and only her.
A trade he made,
She for he.
And with that the father is free,
The rose is kept,
Spoiled with books, clothes, and riches.
Slowly withering away from the inside,
All the Prince wants is the love of the girl.
For her happiness with him,
For her to be his beautiful Belle
But love isn’t money
Love isn’t riches
Love isn’t being kept hostage
Kept from her family,
Without real love
The last petal falls, and so does the beast.